服务 and Emotional Support Animal Policy


服务 & Emotional Support Animal Policy


加州十大正规网赌平台(“SMC”)认识到服务和援助动物的重要性. “援助动物”一词与“服务性动物”一词不同,两者在法律或本政策下的待遇不同. 另外, the term “Emotional Support Animal,” used throughout this Policy and at SMC, is used synonymously with the term “Assistance Animal.”. This Policy may be amended by SMC from time to time. 


Assistance Animal: An Emotional Support Animal.

服务 Animal:指任何被单独训练来为残疾人工作或执行任务的狗, including but not limited to, performing services such as minimal protection work, 救援工作, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items. 这一定义包括为身体残疾的个人提供的服务,包括但不限于身体残疾, 感觉, 精神病学, intellectual or other mental disability. A 服务 Animal has the capacity to recognize a situation and respond to it. 本政策中“服务性动物”一词的使用方式应与《十大网赌平台》(ADA)一致。, as amended and consistent with California law.

Emotional Support Animal: In the context of housing accommodations, 这个术语指的是残疾人用来减轻残疾症状的动物. In the context of employment accommodations, 这个术语是指有残疾或疾病的人用来减轻残疾或疾病症状的动物. Under applicable state and federal law, 各种术语的使用方式可能等同于或基本类似于情感支持动物. Other terms used under applicable law, which may include but are not limited to “support animal,” “comfort animal,” or “therapy animal,” shall be interpreted to mean Emotional Support Animal under this Policy. 情感支持动物不需要任何特殊的服务培训,因为动物的存在对残疾有积极的影响. 除了, although Emotional Support Animals are often dogs, this Policy is not limited to dogs and may include other animals.


Statement of Policy

SMC is committed to accommodating individuals with disabilities. Consistent with its legal obligations, SMC将通过允许在校园和校园的所有区域(有限例外)使用服务性动物来照顾学生和其他残疾人士,以促进他们充分参与和平等地参加学院的项目和活动. SMC还致力于容纳有医疗需求或残疾的个人,如果学院的员工,则在个人的校园工作空间中维护情感支持动物. 最后, SMC致力于为残疾人士提供住宿设施,以维持情感支持动物. 服务性动物的住宿要求与情感支持动物的住宿要求不同,因为法律要求不同.

学生残疾服务办公室(“SDS”)与个人合作, 教师, 和工作人员确保残疾人士有平等的机会参加所有SMC项目和活动. 所有情感支持动物的请求都需要在将动物带到校园之前通过学生残疾服务办公室或, in the context of workplace accommodations, the Human 资源 office. 住宿要求将根据适用的法律要求进行评估.

经批准的涉及情感支持动物的住宿将仅限于校园内的个人宿舍或宿舍, if an employee of SMC, the individual’s workspace

所有的动物, inclusive of 服务 and Emotional Support Animals, may be prohibited from the campus, including but not limited to office spaces and residential facilities, 如果1)动物失控,没有采取有效的补救措施来保持控制, 2) the animal is not housebroken, or 3) the animal poses a direct threat of harm or substantial property damage.

Relationship to SMC’s Pet Policy

SMC有一个全校范围的宠物政策,除了有限的例外,禁止在校园里养宠物. 服务性动物不被认为是“宠物”,因此一般禁止养宠物并不适用于这些动物. Notwithstanding the terms of the Pet Policy, under certain circumstances and by express written agreement, pets may be allowed on campus. 饲养获准宠物的个人应遵守一套与在校园里饲养宠物有关的统一规则. 在不违反个人住宿或不违反州和联邦法律有关个人与服务性动物住宿的范围内, 所有授权饲养动物的校园社区成员必须遵守校园动物饲养的统一规定. 如果服务性动物的个人违反了适用的法律,504协调员可以对统一规则中遵守个别规则的例外情况作出规定.g., SMC不会向拥有服务动物的个人收取押金或其他宠物或动物费用, 但它可能会向个人收取清洁或修复校园财产损坏的费用。. 如果个人是雇员,并寻求例外的规则,因为它可能适用于工作场所住宿, 这种例外情况必须由人力资源作为互动式住宿程序的一部分加以审查.


To request an emotional support animal, contact Student Disability 服务 at sds@vibeafterhours.com or at (925) 631-4358.  学生将需要通过标准的住宿申请流程申请残疾服务住宿,并与学生有持续关系的诊断专业人员提供额外的文件,证明动物是学生治疗计划的一部分.  Contact the Disability 服务 office for the appropriate forms.

Requests are reviewed 2 times a year. Requests received after the term meeting will be evaluated for the future term.  任何对既定截止日期的例外要求都将以个人为基础提出. 

  • For Fall term, requests will be reviewed in March, at the same time other housing accommodation requests are made. 

  • For Spring term, requests will be reviewed in January.

在任何动物被带到校园作为情感支持动物之前,请求必须经过所有适当的步骤,并得到学生残疾服务主任的书面批准.  Current vaccinations, 动物登记(如适用)和室友/室友通知也需要.