

These are service-learning positions through which the students develop their own writing and empathic skills, 学会用新的方式看待世界, and share their writing expertise with peers.


Advisers are involved with efforts in Writing Across the Curriculum through their one-on-one work with peers of all disciplines, 他们对小组工作的促进, 以及他们领导的写作工作坊.


如果你想申请,一定要 register for the Writing Adviser Training Course (CWAC过程 200) before the start of the semester.


Students in a Writing Circle looking at a paper in the Writing Center


  • Exemplary work and dedication to collaboration during CWAC过程 200 or 661
  • 反光申请信


  • 每周工作8 - 20小时
  • Ongoing enrollment in 1-unit Weekly Staff Workshop: CWAC过程 200 or 501

能力 & 技能

  • Solid grasp of grammar and various forms of writing
  • 准时和可靠
  • Empathy and interest in why others write the way they do


  • 为学生作家提供一对一的建议, guiding them toward discovering what they want to express and the best means of that expression, given the demands of purpose and audience, via both drop-in and appointment sessions. 
  • Creating and presenting workshops tailored to specific writing needs of courses across the disciplines.


  • 为每周员工研讨会做准备
  • Conducting and observing peer sessions with fellow staff members and sharing feedback
  • Developing strategies to use during sessions to help peers diagnose grammatical issues, 进行研究, 分析文本, 在这个过程的每个阶段都写下来
  • Working on staff projects and creating resources for peer writers
  • And learning about styles of writing across disciplines.


Since we are such a small community of student workers, everyone who works at CWAC过程 has the opportunity to be a leader. Each person at CWAC过程 is treated as an equal, and our weekly workshops allow everyone's voices to be heard. 作为我们持续培训的一部分, all advisers observe others' sessions and are observed by each other. Through discussion of our successes and failures on an equal playing field, we make collaborative decisions and grow together.

We also offer distinct leadership positions within the Center. 下面列出了一些例子.

首席顾问: Lead Writing Advisers are role models who mentor other Writing Advisers by observing sessions and giving detailed feedback, as well as offering resources to Advisers and being the “go-to” for all sorts of questions. The Leads help the Director with training, including for the Grammar 资源 Test and for various Staff 研讨会. The Leads also help the Director manage workflow. The Leads are in charge when the Director is not in the Center. Leads often operate the desk and often manage project teams. The Leads communicate often, openly, and quickly with the Director. 

研讨会: All advisers have the opportunity to design and present our various workshops in classrooms across campus. Facilitating workshops helps to develop public speaking skills, 组织技能, 时间管理, 和创造力. 

Our spirit of collaboration permeates everything we do. As a community of equals, we all work together to promote the joys of writing... 祝你玩得开心!

Here are some responses from current and former advisers from our annual anonymous staff survey:

"Being open to constructive criticism and being attentive to the success of others are two of the most important qualities that go into fostering a supporting and welcoming CWAC过程 community."

"Staff workshops give us the opportunity to bond, and things like the Burkean Whiteboard encourage students to feel a part of the community. 我觉得顾问们都很关心我. We listen to one another and can joke with one another, which is key. We also see how each of us works, and I think that helps foster respect for each peer."

"From the moment I came in, I felt like I had a new group of friends here. Veteran advisers make the effort to reach out to new advisers and help them out as well as draw them into conversation"

"I think the philosophies that underlie how we conduct sessions extend (in their own way) to the CWAC过程 environment as a whole; people involved in the center are open-minded, 有帮助的, and always willing to treat each other as peers."

The 1-unit classes that train advisers are service-learning courses. 通过我们在CWAC过程的工作, we serve the Saint Mary's College community, 这样做的时候, 我们了解自己. We approach every session as a learning opportunity; the author is the expert on the topic, and we are here to engage in collaborative discussion. Through reflection and collaboration, we use our service to learn from our community. 

我们的课程评估: What have you learned from your service experience?

“那... reflecting upon your interactions can teach you things you never knew about yourself."

"I learned about my strengths and weaknesses, which led me to reflect on my chosen career path."

"Time management, creativity, and collaboration."