健康科学 校友 Spotlight

健康科学 校友 Spotlight


Annie Dao (’17) entered the University of Southern California Doctorate in 物理治疗 Program in 2017. She finds it challenging and fast paced, but very fun. She recommends that pre-PT students keep their anatomy knowledge fresh, take exercise physiology, and gain work experience as a PT aide if possible.

Megan Demots (’18) is living in her hometown of Portland, OR and is in her second year at the University of Southern California Doctor in 物理治疗 Hybrid Program. 她是该计划的学生大使,她很乐意与任何考虑该计划的SMC学生交谈.

Alexis Standfield (’10) completed the Doctor of 物理治疗 program at Sammuel Merritt University in 2015. She is currently a senior physical therapist at Kaiser Permanente.

Nolan Arieta, 2001年毕业,2003年获得太平洋大学物理治疗理学硕士学位,2003年获得洛基山卫生专业大学物理治疗博士学位. He currently is a Physical Therapist at the Alhambra Valley 物理治疗 Clinic, a family-owned business, where he is a mentor for current SMC students.


Becca Matlon (’13 in Kinesiology) completed her Doctor of 物理治疗 degree in 2017 at Elon Univeristy. She currently a Physical Therapist at Advance Phyiscal Therapy, Inc.

希瑟·托马(08年运动机能学)于2014年在南加州大学完成了她的物理治疗博士学位. She is currently a Physical Therapist at Agile 物理治疗 in Palo Alto.

Jordan Raya(10级运动机能学专业)于2013年在太平洋大学(university of the Pacific)完成了物理治疗博士学位. He is now a Physical Therapist at John Muir Health.  


Milani Kyaw (’17) conducted a research fellowhsip with the NIH Minority Health & Health Disparities International 研究 Program and the 公共卫生 研究 Institute of India in 2016. She prepared for her graduate studies by working as a Medical Scribe and as a Medical Assistant in an OB/GYN office. In 2020, she entered the Masters of Science in 护理 Program at Vanderbilt University.

Kalynn Schramm(18岁)在过去的两年里为进入护理项目做准备,并在她的家乡圣地亚哥担任注册护理助理. She will begin her Accelerated Bachelor’s in 护理 Degree at San Diego City College in January 2021.

Alicia Stone (’18) spent two years working as a medical scribe at Allergy and Asthma Medical Group of the Bay Area. 她将于2021年5月从马林护理计划学院毕业,并被索诺玛州立大学的CNECM计划录取,她将于2022年5月完成她的BSN. She recommends the program and describes it as fast paced, but well organized and efficient.   

Samantha Pastor (’18) entered Samuel Merritt’s ABSN program in Sacramento in 2019. 她正在加州大学戴维斯分校医学中心参加临床培训,在那里她很享受在这样一个先进的学习设施中学习. She particularly loved rotations in the NICU, and in the labor and delivery unit.

克里斯汀·巴塞纳斯(' 18)是一名婴儿听力筛查专家,并准备申请参加2020年的加速护理学士学位课程.

凯拉科尔(' 18)目前是一名注册护理助理,以获得护理学校的准备经验.


Noor Kanan(19岁)毕业于圣玛丽大学健康科学专业,并继续担任医疗助理和物理治疗助理,以获得研究生院的病人护理经验. She will be attending Dominican University of California this fall for 医师助理 program.

Angeline Tang(' 13生物学)在2018年进入佩斯大学医师助理计划之前,曾在旧金山医学中心大学担任研究助理和医疗助理.

Jackie Tan(18岁)在过去的两年里,作为Forward and Pacific Skin and Cosmetic Dermatology的医疗助理,为她作为医师助理的学习做准备,在医疗领域积累了工作经验.

Shivani Patel(18岁)在过去的两年里在特纳眼科研究所和El Camino G担任医疗助理,在医疗领域获得了工作经验.I. Medical Associates and Shaheen Vascular to prepare for her studies as a 医师助理.

汉娜丽莎(' 17)是在获得工作经验的过程中,在加州体育和骨科作为一个医疗抄写员为她的研究作为一个医师助理做准备.


Tegan Stuart (’19) was accepted to the MPH Program in Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University. She works as a Freelance Illustrator as well as a Community Outreach Intern with the Leukemia & 淋巴瘤等社会.

在圣玛丽的时候, 瑞秋·阿尔瓦雷斯(Rachel Alvarez)(14届), worked as a Peer Advocate and participated in the Future 公共卫生 Leaders Program at the University of Michigan, a CDC-sponsored summer internship. 毕业后, 她曾在萨克拉门托印第安人健康中心担任健康教育工作者和社区参与协调员. 瑞秋最近从旧金山大学硕士毕业,并计划成为一名注册健康教育专家.

玛丽莎·拉米雷斯(16届)去年5月毕业于克莱蒙特研究生大学,获得公共卫生硕士学位,主修健康促进, 教育, 和评估 & applied biostatistics and epidemiology. I’m currently working as a Health Program Analyst I with LA County for COVID outbreak management. 


Fabiola Zaragoza (’19) entered the UC Berkeley Doctor of 验光 Program in 2021.


布列塔尼·洛佩斯(' 19)被接受的诊断医学超声程序在联合健康科学的凯撒学校,很高兴能在2020年6月开始.

Lorenzo Luna (’16) was a 领导 Counselor with the Peer Health Exchange while at St Mary’s. 他于2018年完成了社区区域医疗中心超声检查计划,专门从事成人心脏道和儿科超声检查. He is currently a Cardiac Sonographer with the Pediatric Echo tea at Community Medical Centers in Fresno.


Jada Walker(18岁)是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校化学博士课程的第二年,到目前为止,她在那里有很好的经历,并期待着成为一名有效的研究科学家. 看到她 完整的故事在这里


Ryan Henry(19岁)于2019年进入加州图罗大学(Touro University California)攻读药学博士学位,目前是核桃溪CVS药房的实习药剂师.

Franchesca Soe (’17) entered the Thomas J. 2018年从太平洋大学朗药学院毕业,目前是斯托克顿幸运药房的实习药剂师.


Kristina McGinley (’09) completed her Doctor of Dental Surgery at University of California San Francisco in 2014.  She is currently an Associate Dentist at Bradburn 牙科 in Clayton.


Nathalie Lambrecht(' 14)于2014年完成了加州大学戴维斯分校医学前外科实习,并于2016年在密歇根大学(University of Michigan)获得营养科学哲学博士学位,她在那里研究了加纳儿童家庭牲畜所有权与贫血之间的联系.


杰西卡·英布里(17年)毕业后在阿拉斯加偏远地区的科罗拉多州立大学担任季节性湿地生态技术员. 她继续在俄勒冈州AKS工程与林业公司担任自然资源专家,并正在考虑攻读生态学研究生.


金伯利·德伦-布里奥内斯(Kimberly Delen-Briones)(17届)被圣何塞的帕尔默脊椎按摩学院录取,预计将于2020年完成学位.


Valerie Moore (’16) is a Chemistry Teacher at Golden Valley High in her hometown of Merced, where she is working toward her Master’s Degree in Education. She is also the Assistant Coach for Track and 越野 and loves it.