

If you are a KSOE Gael then you are resilient, persistent, and motivated. You’re not afraid of challenge and have most likely encountered some tough situations recently.

You’re here for a reason and whether that reason is to connect with amazing faculty members; bond with exceptional learners in your chosen field; advance your career; expand your horizons; or complete a longtime goal; you belong here. We know the road ahead will not always be easy, in fact at times it may be downright difficult, but we want you to know that we’re here to help you navigate that process. It’s what we do and what you expect from us at KSOE.

The information on this site has been put together for you, KSOE Gael. It has been designed as a tool to help you through your KSOE journey. We welcome your feedback and look forward to working with you!


Enrollment and Student 服务 can be reached by email or telephone at (925) 631-4713 and ksoe_ess@vibeafterhours.com


We're here to help provide KSOE students with all the background information they may need during their journey through KSOE. 这里有一些常用的资源.

Center facing image of the entrance to Filippi Academic Hall


行政长官办公室 Career and Professional Development 服务 offers all SMC students Job Interview Basics, LinkedIn个人资料小贴士, 以及访问招聘平台, 握手. Please visit their website for more information or make an appointment to meet with one of their counselors: careers@vibeafterhours.com or 925-631-4600.


跨课程写作中心 (CWAC)

The 跨课程写作中心, 也被称为CWAC, is a free resource for all members of the Saint Mary's community. CWAC serves learners of all disciplines at any stage of the writing process and offers live videoconferencing via Zoom, Skype, 谷歌视频群聊, 或FaceTime, 或者只有音频, 通过电话和文档共享. 

秋天的时间是 4-8pm Sunday; 9am-6pm Monday; 9am-8pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; 9am-2pm Friday. 学生也可以要求其他时间. To schedule a session with a Writing Adviser, email cwac@vibeafterhours.com 或使用CWAC会话调度表.



咨询中心 offers free professional and confidential counseling and community referrals, and has an extensive collection of information available.  In response to the Drug Free 学校 and Community Act, the College wishes to bring to your attention issues related to alcohol and other drug use and abuse.  If you are concerned about your own health relative to these issues, or if your concern is for a friend in distress, contact the Counseling Center at 925-631-4364.



学生残疾服务 provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities.  For more information, please contact SDS at 925-631-4358.



的GaelPantry is currently located in the 宣教事工中心 Lounge, found to the right of Chapel.

的GaelPantry is available to all students who live on or off campus.  Every student has 10 points a week available to them and is available to any Saint Mary’s College student with a valid student ID number.

If you need additional food support during the COVID-19 situation, 请发邮件给MMC主任, 卡琳·麦克勒兰德, at klm14@vibeafterhours.com 作出安排.

Image of Students at the GaelPantry Booth at a Campus Event


Recreational facilities on campus include a swimming pool, 重量的房间, 网球场, 还有运动场. 欲了解更多信息,请访问约瑟夫L. 阿利奥托娱乐中心. You may also contact the Recreation Department at campusrec@vibeafterhours.com 和925-631-4949.



Librarians are available online via live chat, 短信, and Zoom appointments to help you with your research and getting online access to textbooks and articles.

数据库, 电子书, 流媒体视频, and e-journals are available from off-campus through the Library website 为了你的研究. 

要了解基于事实的新闻,请访问 纽约时报 and 《十大正规网赌平台》

For more information, see SMC图书馆 服务 during COVID-19 on the Library's main page.


Science Tech Engineering and Math (STEM) Center

The Science Tech Engineering and Math (STEM) Center provides tutoring and on-demand tutoring. Visit our website to access study guides or to connect with a tutor. 联系 calc@vibeafterhours.com or call (925) 631-5018 if you are unable to connect with a tutor or if you need further assistance.



The Rheem校外学生学习空间 at 莫拉加路380号 is designed to serve the Saint Mary’s students who are residing off-campus for Fall 2020. Saint Mary’s staff will be on site during building hours to assist students. 停车 is available, and the County Connection bus line (路线6)正在使用中. Details about the SMC services and amenities available may be found below. 

批准的用户: SMC students residing off-campus (undergraduate or graduate students) 

Hours: Monday through Thursday 8 am-8 pm; Friday 8 am-2 pm; Sunday 10 am-1pm


  • Reservable spaces for individual study (12 partitioned single-desk office spaces with doors, 1-2个全封闭式单桌办公室, 会议室1桌,可容纳2-3人, 休息区2-3人座位, 户外表)
  • SMC WiFi连接
  • 云打印
  • Gael Pantry order pickup, Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning Sept. 1
  • SMC 书店 order pickup (off-campus students may choose Rheem book delivery option on the bookstore site)

Please contact Mike Hoffshire, SEAS Director, at mdh10@vibeafterhours.com 或925-631-4361提问.
