

To graduate with Honors, a student must 完整的 3 荣誉合同  by the end of their 4th year, 利用每一个机会,更深入地探索有助于他们专业或职业兴趣的课程或顶点项目.



荣誉合同 enable students to develop, under the guidance of a professor, 高级课程:学生被录取的高级课程的丰富课程.



Writer holding a piece of paper in the Writing Center.

What is an Honors Contract?

荣誉合同 are an essential part of an Honors education. 它们的目的是丰富高年级的课程,并为学生进入研究生院做准备, 在与教师建立密切的工作关系的同时,挑战学生对某些主题进行更深入的研究. 学生根据教师和同行导师的意见设计自己的合同.

荣誉合同要求学生比其他同学“更有深度、更严格”. 把它当作个人挑战和研究生学习的入门吧.

“Greater depth and rigor” may be achieved by: 

  1. 将更具挑战性和复杂的内容整合到现有的课程中 
  2. 将相关的重点整合到现有的课程中 
  3. 将社会正义或艺术的重点融入现有的课程

荣誉合同是在学生注册的高年级全学分课程中完成的. 所有合同必须在单独的课程中完成,并且不允许在第一学期签订合同. 研究生 level courses will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Proposals are due at noon on the second Friday of the semester.

Students in the Biotech lab.


To graduate from the 荣誉项目, students must 完整的 3 荣誉合同, or 2 荣誉合同 plus a senior thesis. 转学生和第一年之后加入的学生应该咨询我们他们需要多少合同. The different categories of Contract can include:

  • 当然合同 
    • Complete an Honors contract alongside an upper division, full-credit course--major, non-major, or elective courses are accepted.
    • 本合同将允许您更深入地探索相关课程的特定方面,并将由课程讲师进行评估.
    • You must 完整的 at least 1 当然合同.
  • Independent Study Contract
    • 完成一份荣誉合同,同时完成你和教授在常规课程之外安排的独立学习.
    • 这份合同将允许你更深入地探索一个主题,同时也可以获得独立学习的学分.
  • Free-Floating Contract
    • 完成一份荣誉合同,与常规课程或独立学习无关,但由你和教授安排.
    • This Contract will allow you to explore a topic in more depth 没有 earning academic credit beyond the Honors Contract itself.
  • Senior Thesis/Capstone Contract 
    • 完成一份荣誉合同,并在你的专业中完成一篇毕业论文或顶点项目.
    • You can only fulfill 1荣誉合同 with a capstone project.

All Contracts must be 完整的d in separate courses, and students cannot 完整的 2 Contracts with the same course. No Contracts can be 完整的d in the 1项, 研究生阶段的课程将根据具体情况进行审查.

Students must have 完整的d at least 1荣誉合同 by the beginning of their 4th year.  除非获得特别许可,一次只能执行一份荣誉合同.




成功的合同提案明确了精心选择的重点, 内容丰富到足以在一个学期的课程中深入探索.


实现“更深入和严谨”的基准将由课程教授和荣誉顾问委员会确定, and must be clearly articulated by the student in the Honors Contract Proposal Form.


教授将评判学生的表现,并在学期结束时以及格/不及格为基础授予荣誉课程学分. 学生所选课程的成绩与荣誉课程的区分无关.



Students studying in the library


Contracts must be the equivalent of at least 2 hours of work per week (每学期至少30小时). 在人文和社会科学领域,这大致相当于一篇12到15页的研究论文.

There is great flexibility when it comes to genre and format, 但是所有的荣誉合同都应该是有形的产品,学生在学期结束时提交(口头报告是不够的)。. Past examples included research papers, 海报, 播客, 创意写作, community service projects, 投资组合, 点燃了评论, 艺术作品, visual presentations, 教学工具, 等.

荣誉合同 should be done 除了 to the regular coursework. 在教学大纲上给已有的作业增加几页是不够的. 而不是, 合同应该是一个独立的产品(尽管它可以处理一个相关的主题或建立在现有的任务). 

学生必须参加合同指导会议,并提交一份 Contract Proposal Form before they can begin working on a Contract. Please follow the timeline below.

For Contract ideas and examples, contact honors@vibeafterhours.com or the Academic Commissioner.


Begin brainstorming contract ideas. If you are unfamiliar with the contract process, review our Honors Contract presentation, which outlines the process in greater detail!

找到你希望创建荣誉合同的教授,礼貌地请求他们的帮助. Be sure to educate your professor on the requirements and commitment of such an undertaking. 向课程教授提交创建荣誉合同的请求.

与你的教授合作,拟定合同,然后撰写并提交一份报告 建议. 参加合同指导研讨会,以获得对您的提案的反馈. 提案(包括课程大纲)在第二周的星期五中午截止. Upon submission of your 建议, 你的合同副本将通过电子邮件发送给你的教授,供他们批准.

对合同建议书进行审查,以确定是否达到目标, 结果, 实现更大深度和严谨性所必需的方法也已得到明确阐述. By the end of the third week, 主任通知每位学生他们的提案是否被接受, 拒绝了, or whether they recommend revisions. Revisions are due by the date specified by the Director. 如果你需要在学期中修改你的合同, notify the Honors Director immediately.

Students work independently on their contracts. 提案表格询问学生计划多长时间与教授联系一次, and students should follow that plan.

Contracts are due by the Friday of Finals week, though students are welcome to submit them early. 把你的研究成果发邮件到荣誉邮箱,以便我们存档. 如果符合荣誉合同的要求,并使教授满意, 教授应通过电子邮件通知荣誉课程和注册主任, and the student receives honors course credit on their transcript.