Leadership, MA

Leadership, MA

Fall Term Priority Deadline: June 1st

Applications for the Masters of Arts in Leadership program are accepted on a rolling basis. The final deadline for the program is July 1st, 2024. Applications received after July 1st will be reviewed on a space available basis.



Learn cutting edge leadership skills that help you foster better collaboration, contribute your best, and skillfully navigate the complex challenges our organizations are facing.

我们备受推崇和开创性的领导艺术硕士学位为您提供灵活性, practical skills, and personal enrichment you seek in a graduate education program. 学习当代领导理论和实践的同行网络工作的专业人士从公众, private, and non-profit sectors. 获得广泛的能力和技能,使您在当今充满活力和复杂的世界中取得进步和成功. 

Learn More

We're here to help you navigate the application process every step of the way. Here are some resources to give you more information about what you'll need as you get started.

Program Duration

Graphic of a calendar and a clock

18-month duration. This is a program designed to help you grow and succeed.

Learning Environment

Graphic of a school campus

In-person Executive Weekends with asynchronous online work in between

Average Class Size

Graphic of students at desks

15-18 learners per cohort. Cohort members in the program form a learning community. Your success starts with connections.

a student and a cwac tutor talking

Meet With Us

Going back to school is a big step - our team is here to help you through it. To find out if our program meets your needs, fill out a quick form to schedule a meeting with an Admissions Counselor!

Why the Master of Arts in Leadership?

"The program increased my desire to work collaboratively with people ... It helped me to identify what I like to do, and pointed me in the direction where I can be most effective." - Carlo Beckman, Alumnus

We recognize that there are many different definitions, 领导力的理论和观点以及不同的课程都是围绕这种不同的领导力景观而设计的. 十大正规网赌平台的领导力硕士课程位于旧金山湾区的中心, a region known for being a hub of dynamic and creative activity in an increasingly diverse, complex, and interdependent global world. 我们提供对领导力的理解和实践,这是对这个世界的反思和回应.

大多数针对职场人士的领导力教育项目都强调培养基于角色的管理领导力的能力. Our program includes developing competencies in relational and collaborative leadership. In this way, leadership is something in which every stakeholder participates, not something that only emanates from the personality traits and actions of designated leaders.

By developing a depth and breadth of capacities and skills, 我们的毕业生能够更有效地应对不断变化的世界的独特挑战和机遇.


Considering an MA in Leadership and a traditional MBA?



Leadership Alumni


"As someone who’s attained both a MA in Leadership and an MBA, I can say both are important and serve a purpose. 领导学硕士学位为我的研究生学习奠定了基础,使我的学习更加周到和充实. [Then] matriculating to Duke’s Fuqua School of Business (MBA), 我发现自己完全准备好以一种不同于我的同学的方式来攻击多方面的商业案例,这直接受到了领导力硕士的影响. 现在我已经完成了我的正规教育,我正在实践我在这两个项目中学到的所有东西, 我认识到,领导力硕士学位为我掌握复杂的商业问题和解决方案提供了基础, both quantitative and qualitative."

John Coleman, MA in Leadership '08

Both degrees are important and serve a great purpose. SMC's School of Economics and Business Administration offers MBA programs that pair well with our Master of Arts in Leadership Degree. 阅读更多关于SMC的领导力硕士和传统MBA的区别和优点. 


Program Highlights

The Master of Arts in Leadership at Saint Mary’s College was launched in 2001. At the time, 领导力作为一门独特的学科是相对较新的,我们是美国大约15个研究生领导力教育项目之一.S. 作为先锋项目之一,我们继续随着领导力领域的发展而发展,利用高等教育的资产来促进一个人的工作和生活中有意义的变化. We are now one of hundreds of leadership programs across the globe.

在这个不断发展和多样化的学术领导力教育项目领域,我们的独特之处在于,我们以十大正规网赌平台的三大传统的价值观为基础, which reflect a commitment to justice, service and whole person learning. 我们的混合在线/面对面课程为工作专业人士提供了一种变革性的合作领导力教育,以应对21世纪复杂和新兴的挑战和机遇.

Initially focused on public sector leadership, by 2003 we expanded our focus to include professionals from private and not-for-profit sectors. Today, program participants are not just from all three sectors, but represent diverse industries, levels of responsibilities, ages, ethnicities, and vocational aspirations. Our graduates consistently report that the program has been life-changing for them, both professionally and personally. They tell us that their employers, colleagues, 家人和朋友认识到他们在建立人际关系方面的能力和信心有所提高, navigating and facilitating change, working effectively under pressure, and creating the conditions for more productivity and well being in both work and life. 他们还告诉我们,他们更有能力识别和运用自己独特的技能和天赋,改善他们的生活和他们所属的组织.

Post-Grad Success

领导力硕士课程的毕业生年龄从25岁到70岁出头不等, 来自各行各业,代表各级/职称的职位权威. 正是被吸引到这个项目的参与者的显著多样性,创造了毕业生们所说的这种变革经历的“秘密武器”.

If you would like to speak with a graduate who shares your background and interests, please let us know by sending us an email: leadership@vibeafterhours.com.

Key milestones for the MA in Leadership program over the past 15 years include:

  • 2003 - First MA in Leadership cohort completes its program of study
  • 2005 - Over 100 students graduate
  • 2006 - The MA in Leadership undergoes a redesign
  • 2008 - The Leadership Center is launched
  • 2012 - A social justice concentration is added
  • 2014 - Over 500 students graduate
  • 2018 - 44 cohorts of students have enrolled in the MA in Leadership program (and counting!)
  • 2019 -新课程更新,增加了领导力培训和社会正义元素

A Leadership Learning Portfolio

The learning portfolio is comprised of four elements: a personal Leadership Development Plan, Reflection Papers, Leadership Project Paper, and a Graduate Self Assessment.

Leadership Development Plan

领导力发展计划(LDP)的创建从第一门课程开始,并在整个课程中持续进行. There are five primary activities for the learner in creating the LDP:

  1. To develop a personal aspirational definition/perspective of leadership.
  2. To track its formation and emergence over the life of the program.
  3. To identify the theory and values informing this definition.
  4. 确定在一个人的实践领域中实施这一领导力定义/视角所需的能力和技能.
  5. 在完成课程后,在个人的工作和生活中创造促进这种领导力发展的行动和实践.

Reflection Papers

在每门课程结束时,你会被要求写一篇反思论文,讨论你是如何将课程之间的学习联系起来的,以及你是如何应用所学知识的. The focus of the Reflection Papers will vary following each course and are intended to support your learning throughout the program — write about what has meaning for you; timely completion of the weaver reflection papers is a requirement for your learning portfolio for graduation.

Leadership Project Paper

The Leadership Project is a culminating and integrating component of the Program. As a capstone spanning the last ten months of the Program, the Leadership Project (also known as the Synthesis Project) invites you to integrate, demonstrate, 当你确定并开展一个你有极大热情的研究项目时,综合21世纪的领导实践. You will design, 针对问题实施并报告参与式行动调查和变更策略, issue, opportunity or question within a specific group, institution or community. 该项目为您提供了在个人和组织层面开发可持续领导的新流程和实践的机会. 你可以通过创造合作变革过程的条件和参与21世纪的领导实践来学习. The Leadership Project Paper describes the research project design, implementation, outcomes, and learnings.

Graduate Self-Assessment

During the final module of the Leadership Program, learners write about their learning experience during the course of the program. The program learning outcomes serve as an organizing frame for the first section of the paper. 另外两个部分包括对学习者个人学习目标的评估和对群体学习社区成员经验的反思.