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部门: 沟通

Location: Sichel 105J



Professional Overview


  • PhD 沟通, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011
  • MA 沟通, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005
  • BA The University of Tulsa, 2003
  • Online Course Development and 教学 Certificate, Eastern Kentucky University, 2017
  • Digital Literacy Program (DLP) Intermediate, Saint Mary’s College of California, 2018




Veronica赫夫纳 is a quantitative media scholar with an emphasis in interpersonal communication.  She is the immediate past secretary of the Mass 沟通 Division of the International 沟通 Association and currently serves as a Nominations Officer for the Mass 沟通 Division of the National 沟通 Association.  She has worked as a consultant for the Entertainment Industry Council, which works to bring awareness and understanding to the mental and substance abuse issues portrayed in entertainment media.  Dr. 赫夫纳 has also served as the advisor for the Lambda Pi Etastudent honor society at two of her previous academic institutions.




作为一名教师十大网赌平台, Veronica赫夫纳 explores the uses and effects of traditional and digital media within the contexts of interpersonal relationships and body image. She has investigated the intersection between media consumption and related interpersonal and health effects with a number of studies, including: romantic comedy viewing and endorsement of romantic ideals, the use of digital and online media and the propensity to compulsively exercise or engage in 饮食失调, and online dating and reports of romantic beliefs.  She has also used a number of small grants to explore these topics, including: the effect of gay-related social media content on beliefs and behaviors among online users, and the effects of viewing romantic comedies on beliefs, 情绪, 和满意度.



Selected Publications

赫夫纳, V., & Kretz V. E. (2021). Does the glass slipper fit? Disney princess films and relationship beliefs and attitudes.  Journal of Media Psychology, 33(3), 125–133. http://doi.org/10.1027/1864- 1105/a000290

赫夫纳, V. (2019). Does love conquer all? An experiment testing the association between types of romantic comedy content and reports of romantic beliefs and life satisfaction. Psychology of Popular Media 文化, 8(4), 376-384. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000201

赫夫纳 V.弗尔乔,R. J.诺顿,K., & Shevel G. (2017年出版).  从此幸福地生活在一起? A content analysis of romantic ideals Disney princess films. 沟通 Studies.

赫夫纳,V. (2017). Variables, mediating types. 在迈克艾伦(主编).), The SAGE Encyclopedia of 沟通 Research Methods. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483381411.n665

赫夫纳,V. (2017). Variables, moderating types. 在迈克艾伦(主编).), The SAGE Encyclopedia of 沟通 Research Methods. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483381411.n666

赫夫纳, V.利维,A., Au, J. 诺德,F., Nitzkowski, Z, Chang, K.弗尔乔,R., & Mirman, M. (2016). From the Lighthouse to the Campfire: The connection between sharing information online and sharing resources offline. Journal of Social Media in Society, 5(3), 187-213. 检索从 http://thejsms.org/index.php/TSMRI/article/view/136

赫夫纳, V.多罗斯,S. M.N .乔丹.刘,C.托托马西,A.格林,M。.P.布兰顿,C.埃利特,M., & 鲍尔斯,N. (2016). Mobile exercising and tweeting the pounds away: The use of digital applications and microblogging and their association with 饮食失调 and compulsive exercise. Cogent Social Sciences, 2, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/23311886.2016.1176304

赫夫纳, V.Galaviz, T.摩尔斯,V.弗拉丘,R.C.Basile, C.托德,R。.诺德,F., & Nitzkowski-Bautista, Z. (2015). Refusing to tolerate intolerance: An experiment testing the link between exposure to gay-related content and resulting attitudes and behaviors. 性 & 文化,19,864-881. doi: 10.1007/s12119-015-9297-y

赫夫纳, V. (2015). Tuning into fantasy: Motivations to view wedding television and associated romantic beliefs.  Psychology of Popular Media 文化 4(3), 1-30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000079

赫夫纳, V., & 卡恩J. (2014). An experiment investigating the links among online dating profile attractiveness, 理想的支持, 还有浪漫媒体. Computers in Human Behavior, 37, 9-17. doi: 10.1016/j.慢性乙肝.2014.04.022

赫夫纳, V.伍德沃德,K.贝文,J. L.Figge, L.北卡罗来纳州圣托拉市., & Baloc,年代. (2014). The Influence of television and film viewing on midlife women's body image, 饮食失调, 还有食物选择.  Media Psychology, 17, 1-23.

赫夫纳, V., & 威尔逊,B. J. (2013). From love at first sight to soul mate: The influence of romantic ideals in popular films on young people’s beliefs about relationships. 沟通 Monographs, 80 (2), 150-175. doi: 10.1080/03637751.2013.776697




在圣玛丽医院. 赫夫纳 currently teaches Introduction to Human 沟通, 定量方法, 顶石, and several courses in the M.A. 沟通 program.  



***Top Paper, 沟通 and Future Division***

赫夫纳, V.多罗斯,S. M.N .乔丹.刘,C.托托马西,A.格林,M。.P.布兰顿,C.埃利特,M., & 鲍尔斯,N. (2016). Mobile exercising and tweeting the pounds away: The use of digital applications and microblogging and their association with 饮食失调 and compulsive exercise. National 沟通 Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.