2024 Choir Photo in front of De La Salle statue, holding suitcases 和 looking towards the left
表演艺术:舞蹈、音乐 & 戏剧及音乐课程


日期 & 次


1928 St. 玛丽的道路


加入圣玛丽合唱团, Chamber 和 爵士乐歌手 as we prepare to embark on our journey to the World Choir Games competition in Auckl和, NZ, 今年7月. Our students have been working all year long for this musical (和 physical!) journey, 和 we can’t wait to share the fruits of our labor. 音乐由莫扎特,雨果·阿尔文,罗洛·迪尔沃斯,Z. 兰德尔Stroope, 艾灵顿公爵, 特蕾西黄, 摩西霍根, 史提夫汪达, 格雷格井, 比约克, Real Group, 艾尔Jarreau, 甚至是阿拉斯加苔原狼, 有东西给你 每一个人-希望你喜欢! We are still fund-raising: please consider a contribution of any kind before, 在, 或在活动结束后通过本网站: http://dyzmzl.vibeafterhours.com/choirgives

5月16日|免费入场, 贡献欢迎 包括迪亚波罗谷学院室内歌手的一套

5月18日|免费入场, 贡献欢迎 包括向我们即将毕业的毕业生致敬

5月18日的合唱音乐会也将于晚上8点直播: www.抽搐.电视/ smcmusic

捐赠 在这里

停车 is available to the left of the guard's gate after you enter campus. It is 50 cents per hour via credit card only at the kiosk, 和 the concert will be less than 2 hours. Please arrive early in case there are other events happening at the same time on campus. You may drive around the Chapel lawn 和 drop off any passengers with limited mobility in front of the Chapel steps 和 then proceed to the visitor's parking area.



In 2011, 欢乐合唱团和室内乐歌手 是在. Julie Ford to facilitate cross-training in a variety of musical styles across the globe (including classical, 爵士乐, 福音, 节奏与蓝调, 灵魂, 恐慌, 音乐剧, 流行, 和民间音乐). 爵士乐歌手 在2019年成为更大群体的一个子集, 并在2020年秋季成为一门学术课程. 乐团主要由非音乐专业的学生组成, 并且需要高度的投入, 音乐才能, 表现技巧, 公民身份, 服务, 和团队建设. SMC choirs are  a vital part of a non-genre-biased vocal program which centers vocal science training 和 pedagogy as its foundation. Our singers enjoy a breadth of performance opportunities—from Bruckner's 赞美颂 奥克兰交响乐团的 西海岸无伴奏合唱音乐节 和德科-沙龙一起参加区域比赛, 状态, 还有国际节日和比赛. The choirs have received “First Place” (爵士乐歌手, CA Jazz Championship, twice: ‘23 & ‘24), 《十大正规网赌平台》(Santa Cruz Jazz Festival), ‘19),  two Gold 和 three Silver Medals in Championship Categories at the World Choir Games (Cincinnati ‘12; 拉脱维亚, ‘14; Tshwane, ‘18), received 状态-wide recognition with invitation to perform at the CA State Music Educators Conference (San Jose, ‘18), 赢得了 优等生 和 最佳流行音乐 在 Laurea Mundi“国家合唱大奖赛” (匈牙利, ‘16), 和 were invited to perform in a Carnegie Hall Saturday evening choral showcase (NYC, ‘15). The touring choir is an auditioned ensemble from the SMC choir program, 和 welcomes alumni 和 singers from Diablo Valley College Chamber Singers to be a part of our educational travel to New Zeal和 this summer.

Dr. 朱莉·福特 (julieford.org), Director of Vocal-Choral 活动 at 圣玛丽书院 is a conductor, 歌手, 以及专攻古典文学的教育家, 早期的音乐, 爵士乐, 流行/商业人声合唱风格. She holds a Doctorate in Choral Conducting (University of Oklahoma), 指挥硕士(伊士曼音乐学院), a Bachelor of Arts in Vocal Performance (San José State University), 以及静止教师资格证书(静声训练). 在圣玛丽, she directs the Inter国家ly acclaimed choral ensembles 和 offers courses in Estill Voice Training Vocal Science Pedagogy, 歌词用语, 并进行. 她经常在国际电视节目中担任特邀主持人, 国家, 国家会议, 最近的例子包括静止之声全球交响乐团, 维也纳(8月23日 & ‘21); National Collegiate Choral Organization Conference (Nov. 23, July 21); Music Association of California Community Colleges (Nov. ‘23); CA State Music Educators Conference (CASMEC) Jan. 24. She is in dem和 as a guest conductor (recent example as theBay Area CMEA Conference Middle School SSA Honor Choir Director),  lecturer 和 speaker (recent examples include Las Positas College, March ‘24; Chapman College ’23 & 21年,圣名大学,还有 维也纳现场采访西蒙·莫罗’-22). 在加入SMC之前, she directed the Oakl和 Jazz Choir (‘97-’02) with featured performances at Yoshi’s, 和 served as Director of Music at Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church (“LOPC,” ‘02-’13). 在她任职期间, she directed the LOPC Chamber Singers at the American Choral Directors Association National Convention (OK, ‘09),  co-founded annual interfaith 服务s with Temple Isaiah (Lafayette), 和 enjoyed frequent choral-orchestral collaborations with the Magnificat Baroque Orchestra. She currently also serves as Director of the DVC Chamber Singers, 并喜欢作为爵士独唱专业唱歌.

迈克尔·布莱克本 ‘16 is active as a conductor, pianist, 和 vocal coach throughout the greater San Francisco Bay Area.  In addition to his BA from Saint Mary’s where he studied conducting with Dr. 朱莉·福特和唐娜·奥尔森的演唱, he holds a Master’s in Music with conducting emphasis from UC Santa Cruz where he studied with Bruce Kiesling. 作为一个歌手, he has performed across the country 和 around the world at venues such as Carnegie Hall in New York City, 在里加举行的世界合唱比赛, 拉脱维亚, 以及布达佩斯的Laurea Mundi大赛, 匈牙利. 他还担任过钢琴家的职务, 康托尔, 和 music director at various churches in northern California 和 central Florida. While at UC Santa Cruz, he served as pianist 和 assistant conductor for productions of W.A. 莫扎特的 死Zauberflote (魔笛)和吉安·卡洛·梅诺蒂(Gian Carlo Menotti)的 阿玛尔和夜游者. In addition to working with all of Saint Mary’s choral ensembles, 他教授初级钢琴和声乐课程, 在社区礼拜仪式中为教堂唱诗班伴奏, 并将在23年秋季执导《欢乐合唱团. 

阿兰娜Rantala (钢琴家)毕业于加州大学戴维斯分校(University of CA, Davis).A. 音乐)和新英格兰音乐学院(M.M. Piano Performance) where she studied with renowned pianist Leonard Shure. She has performed solo 和 collaboratively in several cities throughout the US, 以及伦敦和澳大利亚. 在马萨诸塞州生活时, Alanna was on the faculty of Boston’s Community Music Center, 菲奇堡州立大学, 伍斯特的音乐之乐课程, 并为圣十字学院做声乐伴奏. 她为MODE唱片公司录制了约翰·凯奇的《Winter Music》, 和 performed 在 US premiere of George Antheil’s 6-h和 piece “Serpent Mecanique.” Her students have won 奖 for performance 和 composition. Having just relocated back to CA, she is now rebuilding her private teaching studio. 阿兰娜还喜欢她的爱好作曲, 和 she has released four albums of original piano music (2016-2023); the most recent ones were recorded at Berklee College of Music, engineered by her eldest son who is graduating from there this weekend.. 阿兰娜的音乐可以在所有的数字平台上找到. 

彼得·霍法, 当代爵士钢琴家, 键盘手, 作曲家, 国际知名艺术家, 在加州爵士音乐学院任职, 圣玛丽书院, 斯坦福爵士财团. Born in Budapest, 匈牙利, he attended the Bela Bartok Conservatory of Music. At age 17, he won the National Jazz Combo Competition in 匈牙利. He subsequently studied at the Vienna Conservatory of Music 和 the Berklee College of Music in Boston. 从那以后,他一直在表演, 与世界级艺术家一起录制并在全球巡演, 包括爵士乐大师鲍比·哈切森, 乔·亨德森, 科尔里奇, 厄尼瓦, 艾迪·亨德森, 查尔斯·麦克弗森, 本尼Maupin, 维克多·贝利集团, 莱尼白, 阿图罗桑多瓦尔市, 兰迪Brecker就, 马库斯•米勒, Pee Wee Ellis Funk Assembly, 鲍勃·谢泼德, 克雷格方便, 老虎Okoshi称:, Lalah海瑟薇, 梅尔巴摩尔, Ledisi, 基思•华盛顿, 罗西盖恩斯, 雷Obiedo, 皮特·埃斯科多和奥克兰交响乐团. 


表演艺术部协调员 & 事件管理器
(925) 631-4670