2022 Distinguished Alumni Awards


Melissa Stafford Jones '93

Alumna of the Year

梅丽莎·斯塔福德·琼斯(Melissa Stafford Jones)是加州卫生和人类服务部儿童和青少年行为健康倡议的主任, appointed to the position by Governor Gavin Newsom in Fall 2021.  As Director of the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, 梅丽莎在州政府内部工作,并与全州的合作伙伴和利益相关者一起,将加州的儿童和青少年行为健康系统重新构想为一个创新的, up-stream and prevention focused, 该生态系统支持所有0-25岁儿童和青少年的社会和情感健康,并确保所有年轻人都接受常规筛查, supported, and served to address emerging and existing behavioral health needs.  

Prior to her appointment with the State of California, Melissa是加州First 5协会的执行董事. She served as Regional Director for the U.S. 2014-2017年奥巴马政府卫生与公众服务部第九区.  Melissa previously was President & 加州公立医院和卫生系统协会首席执行官,领导该组织推进公共政策战略,支持安全网发挥重要作用,改善低收入和无保险个人和社区的健康状况和获得医疗服务的机会. In addition to extensive experience in public and health policy, she also worked in philanthropy, serving as Executive Director of the Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation.  

Melissa拥有加州大学伯克利分校公共卫生硕士学位和加州十大正规网赌平台生物学学士学位.  她的丈夫克里斯是一名高中科学老师(也是SMC校友)!) and she and Chris have two children, Douglas and Juliet.


Marilyn Galiothe, MBA '11

Meritorious Service Award

Ms. Marilyn galliothe是“奋斗、生存、成功”的创始人和执行董事, a community driven, 非营利组织,致力于通过奖学金帮助东湾服务不足的青少年, college preparatory workshops and college campus tours. Raised in East Oakland, 玛丽莲在这个地区上的小学和高中,并参加了整个城市的社区项目. 

Marilyn was brought up in a Haitian household where education was very important and taught to be powerful; after graduating from high school, 玛丽莲在加州大学获得学士学位, 她在圣克鲁斯大学完成了工商管理硕士学位. Mary’s College of California. In addition to operating Strive Survive Succeed, she is a finance professional at a fortune 500 company, active participant in multiple community service projects, 她是旧金山湾区专业组织的成员,也是她父亲在奥克兰教堂的活跃成员.

经过多年的思考,她的目标是成立一个非营利组织,造福她的社区, Strive Survive Succeed was founded in 2013. In September of 2014, 在社区的大力支持下,该组织成为了一个完整的501(C)(3)组织, family and friends.


Carla Bossard, PhD

Saint John Baptist De La Salle Award

卡拉在威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校获得植物学学士学位, Masters of Science in Ecology at University of Illinois, and Ph.D. in Ecology at University of California, Davis. She has been at Saint Mary’s since 1991 as a professor in Biology. 她曾在几乎所有的学院委员会任职,也曾担任学术委员会主席.  She teaches various Environmental Biology courses, such California Flora and Communities and Conservation Biology.  她还在环境和地球科学项目中教授了多门课程 ,which she helped create and directed in its early years. 她还在大学研讨会上教授课程,并在26个国家成功地领导了30个旅行JanTerms和两个校友旅行课程.  她对入侵植物物种和高海拔森林生态生理学的研究得到了各种资助, including some from Saint Mary’s. 她目前的研究是关于地震对高海拔森林的影响. 

1992年至1993年,她是创立加州入侵植物委员会(Cal-IPC)的四人之一,并于1995年至1996年担任该委员会主席. 1997-1998年,她作为富布赖特十大网赌平台在斯里兰卡做了一年的教师和研究员.  From 1999 to 2002, she served on the selection Committee for Asia, and the Middle-East, for the Fulbright Program. In 2015, she was selected as Professor of the Year at Saint Mary’s.


Marc Dominguez '96, MA '04

Signum Fidei Award

马克·多明格斯1996年毕业于十大正规网赌平台,获得心理学学士学位. He was the first in his family to graduate with a four-year degree. 马克于2001年回到学院攻读学校咨询硕士学位,并获得学生人事证书,并于2004年完成学位.

马克在学院的住宿生活办公室工作了五年, 与高年级学生和一年级学生住在一起,在那里他担任住宿主任和住宿社区协调员.

Marc has been a school counselor for a total of 21 years, first serving at his alma mater, 在洛杉矶的基督教兄弟大教堂高中工作了五年,目前在奥克兰的主教奥多德高中任职, where he is completing his 16th year. While at O’Dowd, Marc helped establish the Core Program, which was modeled on SMC’s High Potential Program.

He is a board member for Vision of Hope, 该组织为在圣何塞传教会多明尼加姐妹会赞助的学校上学的学生提供强有力的学费援助.

Carson Sprott '97

Global Gael Award

卡森是湾区人,出生在伯克利,在加州圣何塞长大.  斯普罗特于1993年进入SMC,作为一年级学生,他是德拉萨大厅的骄傲居民.  In 1997, Sprott earned a B.S. 工业/组织心理学学士学位,辅修SMC传播学.  

斯普罗特于2004年获得康奈尔大学人力资源管理学位.  他于2010年获得加州大学法律学位, Hastings College of the Law, where he graduated cum laude.  在法学院期间,斯普罗特曾担任克莱尔·迈尔法官的书记员. 斯普罗特是一名现役军事法官辩护律师(JAG)官员在美国.S. Air Force from 2010 to 2020. 

As a JAG, 斯普罗特主要担任联邦检察官和公设辩护人, where he took over 70 courts-martial to verdict, including litigated trials in Guam, Japan, Korea, and England.  斯普罗特还在伊拉克、意大利和德国的听证会上代表空军的利益. For these accomplishments, Sprott was awarded an Air Force Meritorious Service Medal, an Air Force Commendation Medal with four oak leaf clusters, and an Air Force Achievement Medal.

Sprott is currently an attorney in the Office of the President, University of California and resides in Pleasant Hill, CA with his wife and two sons. s