


The LEAP (Liberal Education for Arts Professionals) Program is a Bachelor's in Performing Arts online degree completion program uniquely designed for current and former professional 跳舞rs. LEAP provides remote and affordable higher education of exceptional quality with a part-time, 低影响课程安排.

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LEAP students are current and former professional 跳舞rs from across the country with performance credits including major ballet and modern companies, 百老汇和全国巡演, 电影和电视, 以及各种文化形式.



Upon acceptance into the LEAP online degree completion program, students are eligible to receive 24个单元 表演艺术学分. 不需要额外的工作来获得这些学分.


12个单元以舞蹈技术学分的形式出现. 这可能包括但不限于:

  • 芭蕾舞和/或足尖舞
  • 现代和/或当代
  • 爵士乐和/或音乐剧
  • 嘻哈
  • Bharatanatyam, Danza Azteca和/或其他文化风格 
  • 演员的运动




This is fulfilled through the work examples you submit in your application!

There are 4 performing arts lecture courses required to earn a degree through the LEAP Program.

However - LEAP students may fulfill these courses through a "Challenge by Examination".


了解更多关于这些课程通过我们的 课程描述 页面.

LEAP students are eligible to earn credit through Prior Learning Assessment.

We will teach you how to demonstrate your knowledge in a variety of topics including, 但不限于:

  • 普拉提、瑜伽和/或其他专业证书
  • 照顾伤情
  • 编排
  • 舞蹈教学
  • 育儿
  • 结婚及/或离婚
  • 业务管理和/或运营
  • Identity-based knowledge including Ethnic Groups, LGBTQ+, and Women’s Issues



The LEAP 核心课程 is a series of 10 courses all LEAP students must take to complete the program.


The 核心课程 is designed to provide students a breadth of knowledge and experience in order to fulfill the requirements of the liberal arts degree.


了解更多关于这些课程通过我们的 课程描述 页面.

LEAP students may complete their degree with elective credit from Saint Mary's College and/or transfer credit from any accredited college or university. 


  • 完成研究生院的先决条件
  • 为职业转型学习新技能
  • 探索各种感兴趣的学术话题
  • 玩得开心!


已经有大学经历? Transfer your credit to Saint Mary's upon acceptance into the LEAP bachelor degree completion program!

LEAP学生生活, 跳舞, 并在全国各地工作, accessing our classes through Zoom and studying wherever is most convenient to them!







LEAP works for anyone who needs college classes to accommodate busy and unpredictable schedules including:

  • 目前的专业舞者
  • 朝九晚五的专业人士 
  • 全职父母

Classes meet on Zoom just one day a week, typically Sundays or Monday evenings. You can make your way through the program on the timeline that is best for you, 一次只修一个学期.

LEAP offers an internationally recognized Bachelor's Degree earned in a fraction of the time of the traditional undergraduate experience.

Our graduates have gone on to excel in various careers and industries, including:

  • 艺术管理及教育
  • 卫生与医药
  • 媒体,新闻和通信
  • 商业与科技
  • 法律

… and have attended some of the country's top graduate schools, including:

  • 哈佛肯尼迪学院
  • 耶鲁大学管理学院
  • 哥伦比亚大学
  • 纽约大学(NYU)
  • 西北大学
  • 南加州大学(USC)

LEAP provides a well-rounded liberal arts curriculum covering topics within the humanities, 以及社会, 自然科学和形式科学. 在一般情况下, the term liberal arts refers to degree programs providing a broader spectrum of knowledge and skills.


“Employees hailing from a liberal arts background have honed valuable skills that might be left underdeveloped in other majors.Businesses value these graduates' critical thinking skills, communication abilities, and creativity. The breadth of focus gives the students knowledge that can help them thrive in a wide variety of fields.”

-你能用那个“无用的”文科学位做什么? 比你想象的要多得多, 《十大正规网赌平台》


"A liberal arts degree is the most pragmatic degree one can pursue in a world with increasing uncertainty and volatility. It is designed to equip you with the adaptability that will be critical to navigating many decades of professional life in rapidly evolving landscapes. 这比以往任何时候都值得."

- Emily Griffen, director of the Loeb Center for Career Exploration and Planning at 阿默斯特学院 在马萨诸塞州, USNews


LEAP核心课程通常在3年内完成, 虽然有些学生已经完成了.  LEAP provides one of the fastest online degree completion programs for professional 跳舞rs.

Our academic advisors will work with you on an individual basis to build a schedule and timeline that works best for your goals and needs.


LEAP核心课程由十大正规网赌平台的教师在Zoom上交付. Students work with other current or retired 跳舞rs across all disciplines from all over the country. Small class sizes allow for individualized attention and ample networking opportunities.


The LEAP 核心课程 classes have been specifically chosen to model the liberal arts education of the traditional undergraduate program at Saint Mary's.  Designed and selected with the 跳舞r's academic needs and interests in mind, 这些课程挑战, 激励, 为专业舞者提供终身学习和成功的装备.